Multi questions form

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How to create a multi questions form?


What is a multi question form?

A single question asks one question in one screen. However, in some cases you’ll need to ask more questions on a specific matter. For example, when you need information about a party to an agreement, you normally need more information than just the ‘company’s name’.

A multi questions form does exactly this. It allows you to create several fields related to the same entity. Here is an example:

Create a multi questions form

  1. Select a ‘multi questions form’ type of question

  2. Insert a title and an explanation text

  3. Create fields

Click ‘Add Field’

Each field will be a ‘sub-question’ in the multiple questions form.

Then, create the wording of each field as if it’s a separate question (it will actually become a sub-question).

If you want to see all fields created in one place, click on the fields arrow to close them. This is how it will look like:

Important: Press ‘Save

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