Add-In Help Center

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What do I do if I cannot find the Add-in in the upper bar section in Word?

If you don’t see the LegalUp Add-in icon in Word, please do the following:

  1. Make sure you are in the HOME tab and not in another tab in the upper bar section. This is where you should see the icon.
  2. If you still do not see the icon, click the INSERT tab –> My Add-ins
  3. Choose LegalUp Add-in and it will then appear in your HOME section.

How do I open an existing wizard in the Add-in?

To open an existing wizard in the LegalUp Add-in, simply:

  1. Click on the icon in the HOME tab and your account will appear to the right of the screen with all of your wizards.
  2. Click on the wizard you would like to work on.
  3. Click on the LegalUp icon again to open up LegalUp related content. You can then review and update the document as you wish.

What do I do if the Add-in turns into a white screen?

If for some reason while you are working on a specific wizard in word and the add-in to the right your document turns white, all you need to do is click on the LegalUp icon in the HOME tab and your information will reappear.

What do I do if the questions in the question list do not appear right away?

When working on a document, you may experience a delay if, for example, you have just created a question and now want to add a variable. If you clicked  “Add a Variable” and the relevant question has not appeared yet, click the LegalUp icon in the HOME tab to refresh your screen and the question will appear.

What do I do if  Word won’t let me access the LegalUp Add-in?

If your master document is not in .docx format, you will not be able to use the LegalUp Add-in. To fix this:

  1. Click File–> Save As
  2. In the “File Format” section, choose “Word Document (.docx)”
  3. Click Save and you will now be able to click on the LegalUp icon in the HOME tab to start working on your document.

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